Elemental Dissonance

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Post Apocalyptic Blend of Action and Survival.

    Character Template


    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2013-09-01

    Character Information
    Main Character:

    Character Template Empty Character Template

    Post by Rave Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:43 pm


    ~Basic Information~

    Alias: (If any)
    Age: (Age not including years spent in stasis/offline)
    Gender: (Male, Female, etc)
    Sexual Orientation: (Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Asexual, etc)

    Zodiac Sign: (It's for your characters birthday)
    Morality: (Good, Evil, Neutral)
    Starting Alignment: (Dependent on the choice made upon receiving a message from Fate. Leave Blank if you wish to start as an Unknown instead.)

    Appearance: (Description if you have an image please match it in the description)

    Personality: (Preferably a general summary of the Pros and Cons of the characters personality combined together to flesh out the true aspects of the characters personality.)

    * Pros (3 Personality traits which benefit the character, they don't necessarily have to be good traits as long as they do not negatively impact the character.)

    * Cons (3 Personality traits which negatively impact the character, they don't necessarily have to be bad traits as long as they don't positively benefit the character)

    Birth Place: Humans & Zireh use real world locations, Nova use the locations in the Natural World)
    History: (Preferably 400 to 800 Words. However Just a paragraph will do as long as it contains 5 sentences.)

    (All Human's history must include their life before and during the nuclear war which decimated the planet. Histories can not include any knowledge of this world as all humans start the RP waking up from within their stasis pods.)

    (All Zireh's history must include their life before and during the nuclear war which decimated the planet. Histories can not include any knowledge of this world as all Zireh start the RP rebooting from within preservation barriers)

    (All Nova history must include their live growing up and living in this world. Histories can not include any knowledge of the past as all Nova have no idea where Humans and Zireh came from with most not even knowing they are around.)

    ~Special Information~

    Race: (Human, Zireh, Nova)
    Species: (Base, Neo, Yoroi, Cypher, Prime, Dakar)
    Personal Specialization (Choose one of them)
    Special P. Specialization (Leave Blank if your not interested)
    Sect: (Leave blank till you join a sect)
    Constellation: (1 of the 82 constellations)

    Conduit Type: (Leave Blank until you obtain an element.)

    Preferred Combat Style: (Sword, Shield, Hammer, Ax, Staff, Spear, Bow, Gun, Unarmed, Creature, Familiar)

    Preferred Weapon Style Sub-Type: (Leave blank for Unarmed, Creature & Familiar)

    Essence Focus: (Animate, Manifest, Transmute, Destroy, Restore)


      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:33 am