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Post Apocalyptic Blend of Action and Survival.

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    Flashback Training


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    Flashback Training Empty Flashback Training

    Post by Kenji Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:55 pm

    Sebastian crawled his way through the rocky pass.  He placed his right hand on one of the sharp rocks and hoisted himself up and onto the rock shelf.  His hand was sweaty and nearly slipped off as the hot sun beat down on his back.  The pack was weighing him down, he had at least a week's worth of provisions in his bag and his rifle slung over his shoulder.  Well, he had a week's worth of provisions when he had started his journey across Ares, but now it was closer to a few hours worth.  His water was abundant, which was life saving in this heat, and he had been more than thankful when he had come across the winding river before beginning his climb up the cliffs.  It had been nearly a week and a half since he left what had remained of his father's once great nomadic empire.  They had once been a great power across these arid lands, but time and sickness had compromised the very integrity of their leader and left Sebastian orphaned.  

    Only a week after his father's death, Sebastian had left the few stragglers of their nomadic band.  Dropping his pack on a flat rock, Sebastian sat down and took out his canteen, beginning to remember his last moments at the camp and his discussion with his father's right hand man Renly.  Renly had always been kind to Sebastian, he had been his teacher for rifle training and the basics of learning his Essence.  Sebastian's father had been too busy to train his son, so the duty had fallen to Renly who accepted the honor with open arms.  Renly was tasked with conditioning Sebastian to some day lead the growing empire his father was now commanding.  On the particular day Sebastian left, Renly had been teaching him a simple technique that would generate an image of the user as a distraction.  Renly had been a survival expert and had instructed Sebastian in many things, ranging from gathering food, where to look for water, how to hide from certain types of beasts, and everything else under the sun.  He had even taught the young Nova how to cook.  

    He had explained that this technique was imperative in not only running away, but could be used for scouting for ambush, as well as distraction to take the target by surprise.  It was a simple, yet versatile little trick he had described, and Sebastian had taken to it quickly and efficiently.  By that afternoon he had already mastered it and when the two sat down for an evening meal, it was then that Sebastian described his intent to leave and find his own way in this world.  Renly had of course been sad, but he had understood and solemnly handed him his own rifle.  An ancient old sniper, but one that could shoot truer than anything they had come across in their travels across the desert.  Sebastian had seen it in action himself, even fired it a few times at Renly's discretion.  Sebastian already had a bag packed and in the dead of night, left, only telling Renly of his intention to leave that night.  It had been a quick goodbye, but that was because there was little needed to be said between the two.  At the age of 10, Renly had more or less began raising Sebastian.  They were more father and son than his own father had ever been to Sebastian.  

    With a sigh, Sebastian capped his canteen and picked up his things once again.  His destination?  Demeter.  

    Words: 593
    Needed: 550


    Last edited by Kenji on Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:46 am; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 234
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    Flashback Training Empty Re: Flashback Training

    Post by Fate Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:13 am


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